How to Perform a Factory Reset on DJI Inspire 1 Complete Guide – If you’re facing any issues with your DJI Inspire 1 drone or want to start fresh, a factory reset can be a great solution. A factory reset restores the drone’s settings to their original state, erasing any customized configurations or software errors.

However, before proceeding with a factory reset, it’s important to understand the process and its implications. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps of a DJI Inspire 1 factory reset and provide some important considerations to remember.

During the DJI Inspire 1 factory reset, all settings and configurations will be wiped clean, including flight records and customized preferences. It’s crucial to create a backup of any important data before proceeding.

Once the reset is complete, you must recalibrate the drone’s compass, remote controller, and other settings to ensure proper functionality. It’s also worth noting that the factory reset will not affect any firmware or software updates, so those will still need to be checked and updated if necessary.

Before going through with a factory reset, it’s important to troubleshoot any issues you’re experiencing with the drone. Sometimes, a reset may not be necessary, and there could be other underlying causes for the problem. Additionally, consider contacting DJI’s customer support for assistance and guidance. They may be able to provide specific troubleshooting steps tailored to your situation.

Reasons to Perform a DJI Inspire 1 Factory Reset

DJI Inspire 1 factory reset can be a helpful tool for resolving issues or starting fresh with your drone. However, it’s essential to understand the process and potential implications before proceeding. Take the time to back up any important data and troubleshoot any problems before resorting to a factory reset.

Resolving Software Issues

One of the main reasons to initiate a factory reset on your drone is to troubleshoot and resolve software-related issues. Over time, your drone’s firmware may become corrupted or incompatible with certain features, causing functionality problems. By performing a factory reset, you can revert your drone’s software to its original state, which can often resolve these issues.

Resetting Customized Settings

If you have made custom adjustments to your DJI Inspire 1’s settings or configurations and want to start fresh, a factory reset is the way to go. It allows you to reset all customized settings back to their defaults, erasing any modifications you have made. This can be useful to ensure consistent performance or if you have encountered unforeseen issues due to your customizations.

Preparing for a New User

Performing a factory reset is essential if you plan to sell or transfer ownership of your Inspire 1 drone. This ensures that all personal information, flight logs, and customized settings are wiped clean from the drone, leaving a blank slate for the new owner. Factory resetting the drone provides a more professional and secure handover process, ensuring any sensitive information remains private.

Handling Persistent Errors or Glitches

Sometimes, you may experience persistent errors or glitches with your DJI Inspire 1 that cannot be resolved through other troubleshooting methods. These issues could include frequent crashes, unresponsive controls, or sensor malfunctions. A factory reset can help in such situations by resetting all internal software and configurations, potentially resolving persistent errors or glitches.

Improving Performance and Stability

Over time, as you use your DJI Inspire 1, the drone’s performance and stability may degrade due to accumulated data, cached files, or outdated settings. Performing a factory reset can restore the drone to its original state, clearing out unnecessary data and potentially improving overall performance and stability. This can result in smoother flights, better responsiveness, and reduced chances of system errors.

Addressing Firmware Update Issues

Sometimes, firmware updates for the DJI Inspire 1 drone may encounter compatibility issues or fail to install correctly. This can lead to various problems, including connectivity issues, camera malfunctions, or restricted access to new features. In such cases, a factory reset can help by clearing out any conflicting software or settings that might interfere with the firmware update process. By starting fresh, you provide a clean slate for successful firmware updates, ensuring optimal drone performance.

Performing a DJI Inspire 1 Factory Reset

If you are experiencing issues with your drone, a factory reset can often resolve the problem. A factory reset restores the device to its original settings, erasing any customized configurations and returning it to a clean state. In this tutorial, we will guide you through performing a DJI Inspire 1 factory reset to help ensure optimal performance.

1. Prepare for Reset

Before proceeding with the factory reset, it is important to back up any crucial data or settings on your device. This includes saving important flight logs, media files, and any personalized configurations you wish to retain. Once you have backed up all necessary data, power your DJI Inspire 1 and ensure it is fully charged to avoid interruptions during the reset.

2. Access the Settings Menu

To initiate the factory reset, access the settings menu on your drone. Navigate to the “System Settings” section, where you will find the option for “Reset” or “Factory Reset.” Select this option to proceed.

3. Confirm Factory Reset

A confirmation message will appear on the screen after selecting the “Factory Reset” option. Read the message carefully as it informs you about the consequences of the reset. Take note that all data and settings will be erased, and the drone will revert to its factory defaults. If you are sure you want to proceed, confirm the factory reset.

4. Wait for the Reset

Once the factory reset is confirmed, your drone will begin resetting. This typically takes a few minutes and may involve the drone restarting. During this time, it is crucial to avoid interrupting the reset procedure, so refrain from turning off the drone or disconnecting it from any power source.

5. Configuration and Updates

After the factory reset, your DJI Inspire 1 will return to its default settings. If necessary, you must go through the initial setup process again, including updating the firmware to the latest version. It is important to ensure that all updates are installed to guarantee optimal performance and compatibility with the latest features and enhancements.

Troubleshooting, Errors, and Problems

The DJI Inspire 1 is a powerful drone used by both professional and hobbyist photographers and videographers. However, like any electronic device, it can face issues requiring a factory reset. Performing a factory reset on the DJI Inspire 1 can help to resolve various problems, including software glitches, performance issues, and connectivity errors. Here are some common troubleshooting issues and their associated solutions for resetting the DJI Inspire 1.

Unresponsive or Frozen System

If your DJI Inspire 1 becomes unresponsive or frozen, a factory reset can often solve the problem. First, turn off the remote controller and the aircraft to perform a factory reset. Then, press and hold the power button on the aircraft for approximately 9 seconds until you hear a series of beeps. Afterward, release the power button, and the aircraft will reset to its default settings, resolving most unresponsive or frozen system issues.

System Firmware Update Failure

A factory reset may be necessary if you experience a failed system firmware update on your DJI Inspire 1. This can occur due to interrupted updates or corrupt firmware files. First, ensure the battery level is sufficient, and the aircraft is powered off. Then, press and hold the power button on the aircraft for approximately 25 seconds until the LEDs on the remote controller turn off. Release the power button and conduct a new firmware update to resolve any issues.

Connection Issues

If you are encountering connection issues between your DJI Inspire 1 aircraft and the remote controller, performing a reset can often restore connectivity. Start by turning off both the aircraft and the remote controller. Then, press and hold the linking button on the aircraft inside the battery compartment for approximately 6 seconds until the status LED blinks twice. Finally, release the linking button and reconnect the aircraft to the remote controller using the DJI GO app or DJI Assistant 2 software.


Will performing a factory reset delete all my files and settings on DJI Inspire 1?

Yes, performing a factory reset on DJI Inspire 1 will erase all your files and settings. It will revert the aircraft back to its original factory state as if it were just out of the box. Back up any important files or settings before proceeding with the factory reset.

Can I perform a factory reset on DJI Inspire 1 remotely?

No, a factory reset on DJI Inspire 1 cannot be performed remotely. You will need physical access to the aircraft to perform the reset. Follow the earlier steps to perform the factory reset on your Inspire 1.

Will a factory reset solve software issues on DJI Inspire 1?

Performing a factory reset can help resolve software issues on DJI Inspire 1. It restores the aircraft to its original settings and removes any software glitches that may be causing problems. However, if the issue persists after the factory reset, you may need to contact DJI support for further assistance.

Can I undo a factory reset on DJI Inspire 1?

No, it cannot be undone once you have performed a factory reset on DJI Inspire 1. The reset erases all data and settings, and you cannot recover them. Make sure to back up any important files or settings before proceeding with the factory reset to avoid permanent data loss.


So there you have it, my friend. This journey of understanding how to perform a DJI Inspire 1 factory reset has ended. I hope this guide has provided the necessary steps and explanations, making it feel like we’ve been right there by your side. Remember, these technological processes can sometimes be overwhelming, but everything becomes easier with a little patience and the right knowledge.

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