DJI FPV Controller Sticks Not Working: Reason & Troubleshooting – Are you experiencing issues with your DJI FPV controller sticks not working? You’re not alone! Many users have encountered this frustrating problem while controlling their DJI FPV drone.

One possible reason for the DJI FPV controller sticks not working could be a calibration issue. Sometimes, the controller may need to be recalibrated to function correctly. You can go to the DJI FPV drone settings and look for the controller calibration option to do this.

Follow the on-screen instructions to calibrate the sticks properly. This process should reset any misaligned settings and return the sticks to working condition. Another potential culprit could be a firmware issue.

DJI periodically releases firmware updates to improve the performance of its products, and it is important to keep both the drone and the controller up-to-date. If you haven’t updated the firmware recently, it’s worth checking for any available updates and installing them. This simple step could potentially resolve the problem and ensure the smooth operation of the controller sticks.

Additionally, it is worth inspecting the physical condition of the controller sticks. Over time, dust, dirt, or debris can accumulate around the sticks, causing them to become less responsive or unresponsive altogether. Gently clean the area around the sticks with a soft cloth or compressed air to remove any residue. This simple maintenance step may solve the issue and restore the functionality of the controller sticks.

The Reasons Behind DJI FPV Controller Sticks Not Working

Troubleshooting the DJI FPV controller sticks not working issue can be frustrating, but several possible solutions exist. Trying to recalibrate the controller, updating the firmware, cleaning the sticks, and inspecting for physical damage are all excellent starting points.

Calibration Issues

One of the common reasons why DJI FPV controller sticks may not be working properly is due to calibration issues. Calibration is essential to ensure that the controller’s sticks function accurately. If the sticks are incorrectly calibrated or misaligned, they may not respond as expected. To resolve this issue, you can recalibrate the controller by following the manufacturer’s instructions. This typically involves accessing the controller’s settings and selecting the calibration option.

Firmware Problems

Another potential cause for DJI FPV controller sticks not working is firmware problems. Firmware is the software embedded in the controller that controls its functionality. If the firmware is outdated, corrupted, or experiencing any glitches, it can result in unresponsive sticks. To fix this, check the DJI website or the official app for any available firmware updates. Updating the firmware can often resolve issues and ensure optimal performance of the controller’s sticks.

Connection Troubles

The poor or intermittent connection between the DJI FPV controller and the drone can lead to non-functional sticks. The controller relies on a solid wireless connection to relay commands to the drone. If there are any obstructions, interference from other devices, or distance-related issues, it can disrupt the connection and cause unresponsive sticks. To troubleshoot connection problems, ensure your controller and drone are within the specified range, avoid areas with potential interference, and check for any loose or damaged cables.

Physical Damage

Physical damage to the DJI FPV controller can render the sticks non-functional. If the controller has been dropped, exposed to water, or experienced any other impact, the internal components may be damaged. In such cases, inspecting the controller for any visible signs of damage, such as cracked casing or loose parts, is essential. If physical damage is identified, professional repair or replacement may be necessary to restore the normal functioning of the sticks.

Software Glitches

DJI FPV controller sticks may occasionally not work correctly due to software glitches. Software glitches can occur for various reasons, including compatibility issues, bugs, or conflicts with other applications. To address this, consider restarting the controller and drone, closing any unnecessary apps running in the background, and resetting any custom settings if applicable. If the problem persists, contacting DJI customer support or seeking assistance from the online community can help you troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

DJI FPV Controller Sticks Not Working Troubleshooting Guide

The DJI FPV Controller is a crucial component of the DJI FPV Drone system, offering intuitive control over flight movements. However, users sometimes encounter issues where the sticks on the controller stop functioning as expected. This troubleshooting guide aims to help you resolve such problems and get your DJI FPV controller sticks to working again seamlessly.

1. Check for Physical Damage

Before diving into the software settings, inspecting the DJI FPV controller for any physical damage is important. Examine the sticks for signs of wear and tear, cracks, or misplaced parts. Damage to the sticks or their internal mechanisms can lead to unresponsive controls. If you find any physical issues, contact DJI support for further assistance or consider getting replacement parts.

2. Calibrate the Controller

Calibrating the FPV controller is an essential step that often resolves stick-related issues. Start by turning off your DJI FPV drone and ensuring the controller is disconnected. Press and hold the function button, then simultaneously push both sticks to the bottom right corners. Continue to hold until the controller indicators start flashing. Next, push the sticks to the top left corners and release them. The LEDs will stop flashing once the calibration is complete. Try using the sticks again to see if the issue is resolved.

3. Update Firmware

Outdated firmware can occasionally cause the DJI FPV controller sticks to malfunction. Connect the controller to your computer using the included USB cable to update the firmware. Visit the official DJI website, navigate to the support section, and locate the firmware update tool for the controller. Follow the provided instructions to ensure a successful firmware update. Once complete, reconnect the controller to your drone and check if the sticks work properly.

4. Reset Controller Settings

If the previous steps haven’t resolved the issue, resetting the controller’s settings might do the trick. To do this, access the DJI Fly app on your mobile device and connect it to the FPV drone. Go to the remote controller settings and select the “Reset Controller Settings” option. Confirm your selection and wait for the process to finish. Remember to reconnect the drone and controller before testing the sticks again. This reset should eliminate any software-related issues causing the stick malfunction.

5. Reach out to DJI Support

If you have followed all the troubleshooting steps and your DJI FPV controller sticks still aren’t working, it’s best to seek assistance from DJI support. Contact them via their official website or helpline, providing details of the problem and the steps you have already taken. They will guide you through further troubleshooting or initiate a repair/replacement process if necessary.

By following these steps, you should be able to address the issue of DJI FPV controller sticks not working. Remember to take care of your controller, keep it up-to-date, and seek professional help if the problem persists.


So, there you have it! If you’ve been experiencing issues with your DJI FPV controller sticks not working, we hope this guide has provided useful information and troubleshooting tips. Remember, checking for any physical damage and ensuring that your firmware is current is essential.

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