How to Reset DJI Avata: Step-by-Step Guide & Troubleshooting – The DJI Avata Reset is a powerful feature allowing you to return your drone to its factory settings. Whether you’re experiencing technical issues or want to start fresh, this feature provides a convenient solution. With just a few simple steps, you can reset your DJI Avata and restore it to its original state.

To initiate the DJI Avata Reset, ensure your drone is powered on and connected to the DJI Fly app. Then, access the settings menu and navigate to the “System” tab. Here, you will find the option to perform a factory reset. It’s important to note that this process will erase all personalized settings and data, so it’s crucial to back up any important information before proceeding.

Once you’ve confirmed your decision to reset, the DJI Avata will go through a series of steps to restore itself to its factory state. This includes reinstalling the original firmware and clearing any customized configurations. It’s important to remember that this process may take a few minutes, so be patient and avoid interrupting the reset.

The DJI Avata Reset can be useful in many scenarios. For instance, if your drone is behaving erratically or experiencing frequent crashes, a reset can help troubleshoot these issues. It can also be beneficial if you plan to sell your DJI Avata and want to ensure that all your data and settings are securely erased.

DJI Avata Reset is a valuable tool that allows you to restore your drone to its original settings. By following a few easy steps, you can initiate the reset process and regain optimal performance.

Reasons for DJI Avata Reset

There can be several reasons why you may need to reset your DJI Avata, a popular remote-controlled aerial imaging drone by DJI. Resetting the device can help troubleshoot or restore various issues to its original factory settings. Whether you are experiencing technical glitches or wish to start fresh with your drone, resetting can often resolve the problem. This section will explore some common causes that may necessitate a DJI Avata reset.

Firmware Update Issues

One of the key reasons for performing a DJI Avata reset is to address firmware update issues. Users may encounter unexpected glitches or performance issues after installing a new firmware update. These issues can range from connectivity problems to camera malfunctions. Resetting the Avata to its default settings can often resolve these problems by clearing any conflicting settings or software conflicts caused by the update.

Flight Performance and Stability Problems

If you notice a decline in your DJI Avata’s flight performance or stability, a reset may be necessary. Over time, the drone’s software or settings may become corrupted, leading to decreased stability, erratic behaviour, or unresponsive controls. Resetting the Avata will revert it to factory settings, allowing the drone to recalibrate and potentially restore its original performance and stability.

Connectivity and Syncing Issues

Another common cause for a DJI Avata reset is connectivity and syncing issues. Suppose you are experiencing difficulties connecting your drone to the remote controller, experiencing frequent disconnections, or encountering problems syncing your smartphone or tablet with the drone’s app. In that case, a reset may help resolve these issues. Resetting the Avata can often clear any connectivity-related settings or configurations, enabling a fresh start for establishing stable connections.

Troubleshooting Unexplained Errors

Unexplained errors, such as sudden crashes, unresponsive controls, or frequent error messages, can demand a DJI Avata reset. These errors may occur due to corrupted files, software conflicts, or incompatible settings. Resetting the Avata can help eliminate these issues by erasing any unwanted settings or files, allowing the drone’s software to start anew without any potential conflicts that may be causing the errors.

Selling or Transferring Ownership

If you plan to sell or transfer ownership of your DJI Avata to someone else, performing a reset is highly recommended. Resetting the drone will wipe all the personal settings, flight logs, and account information from the device, ensuring the new owner starts with a clean slate. This protects your privacy and prevents any potential conflicts that may arise if the new owner inherits your settings or preferences.

DJI Avata Reset (Step-by-step)

DJI Avata Reset is a valuable tool that allows you to restore your drone to its original settings. By following a few easy steps, you can initiate the reset process and regain optimal performance. Remember to back up any important data before proceeding, and be patient as the reset occurs.

However, there may be instances where you need to reset the Avata due to unforeseen issues or restore it to its factory settings. This tutorial will guide you through the step-by-step process of resetting your DJI Avata.

Resetting your DJI Avata can be helpful in various situations. If you are experiencing software glitches, system errors, or the drone’s performance has significantly degraded, a reset can often resolve these issues. Additionally, if you plan to sell your Avata or transfer ownership, resetting the drone ensures that all personal data is erased.

1. Backup Your DJI Avata Data

Before proceeding with the reset, it is essential to back up any important data stored on your DJI Avata. This includes flight logs, photos, videos, and any customized settings. Connect your Avata to a computer using the provided USB cable, and navigate to the Avata’s internal storage. Copy and save all relevant data to a secure location on your computer or external storage device.

2. Accessing the DJI Avata Reset Settings

To initiate the reset process, power on your DJI Avata and connect it to the DJI Fly app on your mobile device or tablet. Once connected, navigate to the settings menu within the app. Locate the “Reset” or “Factory Reset” option. Choose this option to proceed with the reset.

3. Confirming the DJI Avata Reset

After choosing the reset option, the DJI Fly app will prompt you to confirm your decision. Read the warning message carefully, as resetting your DJI Avata will erase all data and restore it to its factory settings. Confirm your choice by selecting the “Reset” or “Confirm” button.

4. Resetting the DJI Avata

Once you have confirmed the reset, the DJI Fly app will initiate the reset process. This may take a few moments, and your Avata may restart automatically. Ensure that the drone remains powered on and connected to the DJI Fly app during this process. Do not power off or disconnect the Avata until the reset is complete.

5. Reconfiguring Your DJI Avata

After the reset is complete, your DJI Avata will be restored to its factory settings. You will need to configure the drone again, including updating firmware, calibrating sensors, and customizing settings to your preferences. Use the DJI Fly app to go through the initial setup process, following the on-screen instructions.

Troubleshooting DJI Avata Reset

DJI Avata Reset is a feature that allows you to restore your DJI drone’s settings to their default values. However, sometimes you may encounter issues or errors when attempting to perform a reset. Here are some troubleshooting steps to help you resolve common problems:

Error: DJI Avata Reset is not working

If you cannot reset your DJI Avata, there could be several reasons behind this issue. Firstly, ensure that your drone’s battery is sufficiently charged. Low power levels can prevent the reset from being completed. Additionally, check if the firmware of your drone is up to date. Incompatible or outdated firmware versions can interfere with the reset process. Lastly, ensure that you follow the correct reset procedure outlined in the user manual.

Error: Reset completed, but settings not restored

In some cases, you may find that the reset process appears to be successful, but the settings of your DJI Avata are not restored to their default values. This can happen due to a corrupted or faulty memory module. To resolve this, try resetting the drone multiple times to see if the issue persists. If the problem continues, contact DJI customer support for further assistance.

Error: Drone not responding after reset

After resetting your DJI Avata, if your drone is not responding or behaving erratically, there might be a software conflict or hardware issue. Try restarting both the drone and the controller. Ensure that you are within the recommended operating range and no radio frequency interferences are nearby. If the problem persists, consult the DJI support team to diagnose and fix the issue.


Will DJI Avatar Reset delete my data?

Performing a DJI Avatar Reset will delete all your saved settings, preferences, and any data stored on the device. It is important to back up any important files or data before proceeding with the reset.

Can I undo a DJI Avatar Reset?

No, once you have performed a DJI Avatar Reset, it is impossible to undo or revert the reset. Save any desired settings or data before proceeding with the reset.

Will DJI Avatar Reset fix all issues with my DJI device?

While a DJI Avatar Reset can resolve many common issues or software glitches, it may not fix hardware problems. If you are experiencing persistent issues with your DJI device, contacting DJI customer support for further assistance is recommended.

How often should I perform a DJI Avatar Reset?

The need for a DJI Avatar Reset typically depends on your usage and the issues you encounter. Generally, it is not necessary to perform a reset regularly. Consider doing it if you are experiencing significant issues or want to start fresh with default settings.

What precautions should I take before performing a DJI Avatar Reset?

Before performing a DJI Avatar Reset, it is advisable to back up any important files or data from the device. Additionally, ensure you are familiar with the reset procedure specific to your DJI device, as it may vary.


So there you have it, the amazing world of DJI Avata reset! We’ve explored how this feature can help you solve any technical glitch that comes your way and get back to flying in no time. Hopefully, this guide has been helpful and has shed some light on this exciting feature. If you ever find yourself in need of a reset, don’t panic! Remember the simple steps we discussed, and you’ll be soaring in the sky again.

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