DJI Air 2S Smart Controller Issues: Troubleshooting and Solutions – The DJI Air 2S Smart Controller has become popular among drone enthusiasts due to its advanced features and convenience. However, like any electronic device, it is not exempt from occasional issues that users may encounter.

One of the most reported issues with the DJI Air 2S Smart Controller is connectivity problems. Some users have experienced difficulties connecting their smartphone or tablet to the controller, resulting in losing control of their drone.

This issue can be pretty frustrating, especially when you’re in the middle of an essential aerial shoot. To troubleshoot this problem, ensure your mobile device and the smart controller are running on the latest firmware updates. Double-check that the Wi-Fi connection between the smart controller and your device is solid and stable.

Another issue that users have encountered is random freezing or lagging of the smart controller’s screen. This can significantly hinder the flying experience and may even lead to crashes if not addressed promptly.

Battery drainage is yet another common issue faced by DJI Air 2S Smart Controller users. The smart controller has a built-in battery to provide an extended flying time. However, some users have reported that the battery drains quickly or fails to hold a charge.

Reasons for DJI Air 2S Smart Controller Issues

The DJI Air 2S Smart Controller is a popular accessory for drone enthusiasts, offering a convenient and intuitive way to control their DJI Air 2S drone. However, like any electronic device, it may experience specific issues that can hamper its functionality and performance. This section will explore some common reasons behind DJI Air 2S Smart Controller issues to help users troubleshoot and solve these problems.

Firmware Update Problems

One of the primary causes of DJI Air 2S Smart Controller issues is related to firmware updates. DJI regularly releases firmware updates to improve performance, add features, and fix bugs. However, if the update process is interrupted or not completed correctly, it can lead to various issues with the smart controller. These issues may include connectivity problems, sluggish performance, or complete unresponsiveness.

To avoid such problems, it is crucial to ensure a stable internet connection and carefully follow the firmware update instructions provided by DJI. If the controller encounters issues during an update, contacting DJI support for assistance or consulting online forums for potential solutions is recommended.

Interference and Signal Strength

Another common reason for DJI Air 2S Smart Controller issues is interference and weak signal strength. The smart controller communicates with the drone using radio frequencies, and various environmental factors can affect the signal quality. Interference from other electronic devices, objects obstructing the signal path, or even crowded Wi-Fi networks in urban areas can lead to connectivity problems or laggy responses from the controller.

To overcome signal-related issues, users can try the following steps. Firstly, ensure that no other electronic devices operate on similar frequencies nearby. Secondly, fly the drone in an open area away from large buildings or metallic structures that may obstruct signal transmission. Lastly, adjusting the Wi-Fi settings on the controller or switching to a less congested channel can also help improve signal strength and stability.

Calibration and Sensor Problems

Calibration and sensor problems can also contribute to DJI Air 2S Smart Controller issues. The controller relies on various sensors, such as an accelerometer and gyroscope, to provide accurate control input. If these sensors are not calibrated properly or if they malfunction, it can result in inaccurate control inputs or erratic behaviour of the controller.

To address calibration issues, users can follow the instructions provided by DJI to calibrate the smart controller’s sensors. This usually involves performing specific movements or rotations to ensure the sensors are accurately calibrated. If calibration does not resolve the problem, contacting DJI support for further assistance or seeking professional repair services may be necessary.

Software Glitches and Incompatibility

Software glitches and incompatibility can also be responsible for DJI Air 2S Smart Controller issues. These can manifest as frequent app crashes, unresponsive touchscreens, or features not working as intended. Software glitches may occur due to bugs in the controller’s operating system or conflicts with other apps installed on the device.

To troubleshoot software-related issues, users can try updating the DJI Fly app to the latest version, clearing cache and temporary files, or reinstalling the app altogether. It is also important to ensure that the smart controller is running the most recent firmware version as provided by DJI. If the problem persists, contacting DJI support or consulting relevant online communities can provide further insights or potential solutions.

Hardware Malfunctions

Although less common, hardware malfunctions can contribute to DJI Air 2S Smart Controller issues. These can include faulty buttons, unresponsive touchscreens, or malfunctioning joysticks. Hardware issues may occur due to manufacturing defects, wear and tear, or accidental damage.

If users suspect hardware malfunctions, it is advisable to contact DJI support or consult authorized repair centres for diagnosis and potential repair or replacement options. Attempting to repair the hardware may void the warranty or further damage the controller, so professional assistance is essential.

How to Solve DJI Air 2S Smart Controller

DJI Air 2S Smart Controller offers a seamless and immersive flying experience, it is not immune to some common issues. Connectivity problems, freezing or lagging of the screen, battery drainage, control sensitivity, and lack of backward compatibility are a few of the issues that users have encountered. However, with proper troubleshooting and assistance from DJI support, these problems can be addressed effectively, allowing you to make the most of your drone and smart controller.

1. Connection Problems

One of the most common issues DJI Air 2S Smart Controller users face is connection problems. This can manifest in various ways, such as difficulty pairing the controller with the drone, intermittent connection drops, or complete loss of connection. There are a few troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve these issues.

First, ensure that both the controller and the drone are fully charged. Low battery levels can sometimes cause connectivity problems. Next, check for any physical obstructions between the controller and the drone, as obstacles like buildings or trees can weaken the signal. If the problem persists, try resetting the controller by holding the power button for 8-10 seconds.

If none of these steps works, you may need to update the controller and drone firmware. Visit the official DJI website to download the latest firmware versions and follow the instructions to complete the update process. Firmware updates often contain bug fixes and improvements that can help resolve connectivity issues.

2. GPS Signal Issues

Another common issue DJI Air 2S Smart Controller users reported is GPS signal problems. These issues can result in inaccurate positioning, difficulty setting waypoints, or even losing control of the drone. To address GPS signal issues, follow these steps.

First, ensure you are flying the drone in an open area with a clear view of the sky. Tall buildings, mountains, or dense foliage can weaken or block GPS signals. Additionally, check if the GPS module on the drone is securely attached and undamaged. If necessary, reposition or replace the GPS module.

Next, calibrate the compass on the drone. To do this, go to the settings menu in the DJI Fly app and locate the compass calibration option. Follow the instructions carefully to calibrate the compass properly. Incorrect compass calibration can lead to inaccurate GPS positioning.

If you’re still experiencing GPS signal issues, consider updating the controller and drone firmware. Firmware updates often include improvements to GPS algorithms that can enhance signal acquisition.

3. Screen Freezing or Blackout

Some DJI Air 2S Smart Controller users have reported issues with the screen freezing or going black during flight. This can be frustrating and potentially dangerous if you lose sight of your drone. Here are a few potential solutions to this problem.

First, check the display settings on the controller. Ensure the screen timeout is set to a reasonable duration, as overly short timeouts can cause the screen to go blank prematurely. Additionally, ensure that the controller’s firmware is updated by visiting the DJI website and downloading the latest version.

If the screen freezing issue persists, try clearing the cache on the controller. Go to the settings menu and find the option to clear the cache. This can help eliminate any temporary files or data that might be causing conflicts and resulting in screen freezing.

Contact DJI customer support for further assistance if none of these solutions works. They can provide specific troubleshooting steps or arrange a hardware inspection or replacement if necessary.

4. Battery Drainage Problems

Battery drainage issues are another common complaint associated with the DJI Air 2S Smart Controller. Some users have reported that the controller battery drains quickly, leading to shortened flight times and inconvenience. To address this problem, follow these steps.

First, ensure the controller is not connected to unnecessary Wi-Fi networks or other devices via Bluetooth. These connections can drain the battery faster. Additionally, reduce the screen brightness and disable any unnecessary features or apps running in the background.

Next, check for any firmware updates for the controller. Manufacturers often release updates that optimize power consumption and improve battery life. Download and install the latest firmware version from the DJI website to see if it resolves the battery drainage issue.

If the battery drain problem persists, consider replacing the battery if it is easily removable. Contact DJI customer support for guidance on obtaining a replacement battery, as they can provide you with the most suitable options.

5. Loss of Video Transmission

Lastly, some DJI Air 2S Smart Controller users have reported experiencing loss of video transmission while flying their drones. This issue can occur for various reasons, including interference or software glitches. Here are a few steps to troubleshoot this problem.

First, check the antenna on the controller and ensure it is properly connected. A loose or damaged antenna can significantly impact the video transmission. Next, inspect the HDMI cable connecting the controller to an external display. A faulty or loosely connected HDMI cable can cause video transmission issues.

Additionally, check for any interference in the area where you are flying. High-power transmission towers, Wi-Fi networks, or other drones can interfere with the video signal. Try changing your flying location to see if it improves the transmission quality.

If the problem persists, consider updating the firmware on the controller and the drone. Firmware updates often include video transmission optimizations that can improve signal stability. Be sure to follow the update instructions provided by DJI to ensure a successful update.


Well, there you have it – the ups and downs of the DJI Air 2S Smart Controller. While it’s certainly a powerful and impressive technology, it has flaws. From the occasional connectivity issues to the confusing user interface, there are a few areas where DJI could improve. However, don’t let these hiccups discourage you from exploring the world of aerial photography and videography.

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