13 Best Follow Me Drones for Captivating Aerial Photography

Dronelost.com – In recent years, drones have revolutionized the way we capture stunning images and videos from the sky. Among the numerous types of drones available, follow me drones stand out as a game-changer in the world of aerial cinematography. These innovative devices are designed to autonomously track and film their users, providing an exciting and immersive experience like never before. With their advanced features and cutting-edge technology, best follow me drones have captured the attention of both professionals and hobbyists alike.

One of the standout features of the best follow me drones is their ability to track and follow the user seamlessly. Equipped with intelligent and precise tracking algorithms, these drones can lock onto their subject and effortlessly follow their every move. This enables users to indulge in their favorite activities, such as extreme sports, hiking, or cycling, while the drone effortlessly captures breathtaking footage from above. Whether you want to showcase your impressive skiing skills or capture the awe-inspiring scenery during a mountain bike ride, these drones ensure you never miss a moment.

The best follow me drones also boast exceptional maneuverability, making them ideal for capturing dynamic shots with incredible precision. Equipped with high-quality cameras and gimbals, these drones can capture smooth, buttery footage that rivals the work of professional filmmakers. With options such as 4K video capture and high-resolution photography, these drones capture your aerial adventures in stunning detail and clarity.

Besides their tracking and filming capabilities, the best follow me drones also come packed with many features that enhance the overall experience. With built-in obstacle avoidance systems, these drones can effortlessly navigate their surroundings, ensuring a safe and collision-free flight. GPS and automatic flight modes enable users to plan their flights, while intelligent features like gesture control and waypoint navigation add convenience and creativity.

When it comes to selecting the best drone, there are several factors to consider. Flight time, range, camera quality, and durability should be high on the priority list. It’s also essential to ensure that the drone comes with an intuitive and user-friendly interface to facilitate easy control and operation. Delving into customer reviews and expert opinions can also provide valuable insights into the performance and reliability of different models.

Best Follow Me Drones

Aerial photography has witnessed a remarkable evolution over the years, thanks to the advent of cutting-edge technology in the form of follow me drones. These intelligent flying devices have revolutionized the way we capture the world from above, unlocking limitless possibilities for photographers, videographers, and enthusiasts alike.

1. DJI Phantom 4 Pro

DJI Phantom 4 Pro Drones

Regarding best follow me drones, the DJI Phantom 4 Pro stands head and shoulders above the rest. Equipped with a powerful camera, state-of-the-art sensors, and intelligent flight modes, this drone offers supreme versatility and unparalleled image quality, making it the top choice for professionals and enthusiasts.

2. Autel Robotics EVO II

Autel Robotics EVO II

Unleashing the full potential of aerial photography, the Autel Robotics EVO II is a game-changer in the world of follow me drones. With its impressive flight time, high-resolution camera, and advanced flight modes, this drone empowers users to push their creative boundaries and capture stunning visuals like never before.

3. Skydio 2

Skydio 2 Drones

Pushing the boundaries of autonomous flight, the Skydio 2 takes follow me drones to new heights with its groundbreaking AI technology. This drone employs an array of sensors and advanced algorithms to navigate through obstacle-filled environments, allowing users to capture seamless and uninterrupted footage effortlessly.

4. Yuneec Typhoon H Pro

Yuneec Typhoon H Pro Follow Me

With its outstanding flight performance and cutting-edge features, the Yuneec Typhoon H Pro is built for those seeking power and precision in their aerial photography escapades. This follow me drone is equipped with an impressive camera, retractable landing gear, and intelligent flight modes, providing users with a seamless and exhilarating flying experience.

5. Holy Stone HS720E

Holy Stone HS720E Drones

The Holy Stone HS720E is synonymous with affordability and excellence in the world of follow me drones. This budget-friendly drone doesn’t compromise on features, offering users an impressive camera, reliable flight performance, and advanced GPS functions, making it an ideal choice for beginners and hobbyists.

6. PowerVision PowerEgg X

PowerVision PowerEgg X

Innovation takes center stage with the PowerVision PowerEgg X, a follow me drone that redefines the possibilities of aerial photography. With its modular design, waterproof capabilities, and groundbreaking AI features, this drone empowers users to capture stunning visuals in any weather conditions with unprecedented ease.

7. Parrot Anafi

Best Drones Parrot Anafi

The Parrot Anafi is a compact marvel that combines portability with exceptional performance. Equipped with a 4K HDR camera, 180-degree vertical tilt, and advanced tracking modes, this lightweight follow me drone guarantees breathtaking aerial shots, making it a go-to choice for travel enthusiasts and adventurers.

8. Blade Chroma Camera Drone

Blade Chroma Camera Drone

With its all-round functionality, the Blade Chroma Camera Drone stands tall among the best drone under $6000. Boasting a user-friendly interface, high-resolution camera, and advanced autopilot features, this versatile drone caters to both professionals and beginners, ensuring every moment is captured with precision and finesse.

9. Autel Robotics X-Star Premium

Autel Robotics X Star Premium

The Autel Robotics X-Star Premium is a follow me drone that caters to the needs of professional aerial photographers and videographers. Its 4K Ultra HD camera, intelligent flight modes, and exceptional flight range ensure unparalleled visual quality and versatility, allowing professionals to capture breathtaking shots from unimaginable angles.


In a world where capturing moments from extraordinary angles has become essential, the best follow me drones are indispensable companions for enthusiasts and professionals alike. These advanced flying machines effortlessly follow our every move, enabling us to document our adventures like never before.

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